Product Categories
Wall clock with hygrometer. thermometer and click system

Wall clock with hygrometer. thermometer and click system Wall clock with hygrometer. thermometer and click system Wall clock with hygrometer. thermometer and click system

Description:Fancy wall clock with hygrometer and thermometer. features a clever click system for fast and trouble-free printing. We will print your logo on the removable plate....Read Less...Read More

Print Area:8 x 4 cm

Product Size:29.1 x 4 x 22.6 cm

Lead Time: 3 Weeks

Available Colours:black

Product Code: SM4911313

Price Range: £10 - £15

Unit Qty Price
Each 25 £12.31
Each 50 £11.73
Each 100 £11.44
Each 250 £11.01
Each 500 £10.57
Unit Qty Price
Each 25 £15.30
Each 50 £12.75
Each 100 £12.31
Each 250 £11.77
Each 500 £11.25
Unit Qty Price
Each 25
Each 50
Each 100
Each 250
Each 500
Unit Qty Price
Each 25
Each 50
Each 100
Each 250
Each 500
Unit Qty Price
Each 25
Each 50
Each 100
Each 250
Each 500
Unit Qty Price
Each 25
Each 50
Each 100
Each 250
Each 500
(Disclaimer: Prices shown exclude set-up/origination costs, delivery and VAT. Prices and specification are subject to change without prior notice.)
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